Building a system to register anyone, anywhere

To fix a mess of registration forms, with a mess of usability issues, across a mess of products, I helped Babylon build a system that enabled change, learning, and growth.


Babylon Health, Jun-Oct 2020


Me, Head of Product

+ support from tech leads, a content designer, and a user researcher


Lead designer


Product vision; UI design; UX design; User research; Stakeholder communication

A right old mess

The situation

  • Babylon had launched an app in the UK, two apps in USA, and embedded services in partner apps in Asia.
  • Each market had totally different registration requirements; and each app had built its own inputs and forms.
  • This complexity meant nobody wanted to touch the code. So, nothing had been improved since each respective launch.
  • The result: a hastily thought through set of interfaces, that caused large drop-offs and costly data errors.

The brief

The Head of Product in the USA successfully pitched for budget to sort it out. He set me the challenge, with total ownership, to “fix registration.”

Defining the best product for now

I interviewed product managers, marketers, analysts, designers, engineers, and the legal departments in every market to build an understanding of what “fix” meant. Putting it all together I came up with some principles:

  1. Given the complexity of Babylon’s business model, no single approach could work. We needed a configurable system with a standardised technical implementation, that any app could adapt and consume.
  2. The customer problems were too many to solve in one release. But, if we standardised the interface, we could experiment and gather data about customer behaviour. Improvements could then be applied across every app at once.
  3. If we took the opportunity to build an understanding not just of who the customer was, but of what they wanted to achieve, we could funnel customers to the correct product areas, and improve activation rates.

Building support and testing the vision

I wrote a provocation and sent it around all the product heads, and senior leadership. Trying to unite them behind my vision.

Nobody wants to register. People want to use a product, and they may accept that in order to do that, they might need to part with some information.

Realising how this could mean less work for everyone, and result in better quality “leads” coming into product areas, we got our allies.

Designing the system

I took inspiration from interactions patterns that already existed in other parts of the app; from our nascent design system; and from a collection of other “good” registration experiences surveyed from the design and development teams.

Each approach followed a few design principles

  • We would find out the customer's intent for getting our app, then only ask for the information we needed for that functionality, and upon completion direct them to it.
  • For transparency, we would try to explain the legal or medical need for every question we asked.
  • We would ask one question at a time. This would allow us to shuffle and add or remove questions as different markets/apps required.

After a few rounds of sketching, I had these prototypes ready to show.

Testing and refining

With the prototypes built I set about gathering feedback: from the engineering team; the design system team; and senior leadership. We also ran a set of remote usability tests with a range of customer types.

“It was as entertaining as a login process could be!”

These all confirmed our approach was as valid (with a few tweaks) as any prelaunch testing could.

Refining, prioritising, and building

Only getting it built and used in the wild would prove we'd made the right decisions though. And a new product launch in the states provided the perfect opportunity for us to do this, as it required adding even more complexity to the registration process.

With the development team we set about turning our vision into something realisable, given the time constraints the launch placed on us. We focused on a few key parts of the journey and simplified the UI.

This would allow the engineers to build it the right way, in the time they had, whilst still releasing enough to prove our idea fully.

Our build candidate:

What we learned

I worked embedded in the development team to get it built just in time for the new launch. Then we waited, watched, and learned.


Proof: Length didn't matter

We did NOT see an increase in drop-offs as a result of adding screens in. We attributed this to proper progress indicators and the extra context provided for WHY we asked each question.


Proof: Better activation rates

Customers who made it through the process were more likely to activate and complete a core action. Whether this translated into retention remained to be seen.


Failed: Overall drop-offs barely changed

We didn't make it worse, but we didn't make it much better. We hypothesised this was because the customers still weren't comfortable handing over some data. We needed to strip it back more.

Todo: Explain it better

While devs/desginers understood the system, product managers and marketers struggled. Which risked them circumventing our system and we'd end up back where we started.